The Chuck Norris

(1 customer review)


  • 3 bottles of each of our Famous Body Wash formula.
  • Ability to change your unique scent everyday.
  • Guaranteed to last at least two months.
  • Ability to maintain or increase TESTOSTERONE levels.
  • Have one at home, your Partners place and in the gym bag.
  • Powerful cleansing with no harsh chemicals.
  • Biodegradable and 100% Natural.
SKU: SSGS003 Category:


You are a no bullshit, live on the edge, live by your own rules kind of guy. You are the guy everyone wants to be with and when you walk into a room, everyone stops to catch a glimpse. You’re polite but no pushover and will defend what’s important to with your life. You Sir, deserve the very  best in life.

Don’t get us wrong. Your “Store bought” products can make you smell good for maybe an hour and you’ll be like majority of men out there. If you want to be average and blend in with the crowd, by all means carry on. But if you’re that guy who has a burning desire to stand out and rise above the mundane and ordinary, this pack is for you!

A three pack of our famous body wash with the combination of our three proprietary blends of unique scents that will benefit you long after you’ve stepped out the shower.

1 review for The Chuck Norris

  1. Allen (verified owner)

    Love this stuff, from the hilarious instructions on the bottle to the equally funny hand written notes that came in the parcel, unique manly scents with no BS chemicals added, you can actually feel the difference on your skin! Legit, I was sceptical at first too.
    The body wash itself is a wicked black gel that foams really well and leaves the important bits very smooth and soft, 100% missus approved and so far it’s a close tie between Aplha Male and Mountain Man being no. 1 for me.

    Don’t forget to throw in a bottle (or 2} of sack seasoning which beats the living shit out of using baby powder and has a wicked manly scent, not sure why this stuff isn’t a thing in every supermarket next to the deodorant and razors tbh.

    Treat yourself (and your partner) and get the whole set.

    Scented sack sticker firmly planted to the back of my bakkie now.

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